Hello and welcome to my blog about my year working with International Justice Mission (IJM) in Guatemala City! I will be working as a Justice System Transformation Fellow and will work to help create a safer environment for women and children who have been victims of sexual assault or of sex slavery and to create more accountability for the perpetrators. This work is done through partnering with local governmental leaders, prosecutors, and judges to implement stronger laws protecting victims and to enable court officials to prosecute perpetrators. Currently in Guatemala violent crime and sexual assault rates are astronomical and prosecution for assailants is highly uncommon due to the overall instability in the region.  

Today over 45 million people are trapped in slavery even though the practice is illegal in nearly all countries in the world. This is the reality that IJM is working to change through partnering with local agencies and governments to free people forced into slavery, bringing perpetrators to justice, and transforming the overall systems to prevent the continuation of the entrapment of innocent people. 

I was introduced to the reality of modern day slavery and the work of IJM as a sixth grader through an event with my youth group. This opened my eyes to the vast injustice that millions of people face on a daily basis and began my desire to pursue a career in law, which is what I plan to do after my year in Guatemala. This vocational mission is a way that I can use my skill set to work in an office that protects the helpless, but I cannot do this without the support of people like yourself.  

I am asking for support both financially and through prayer to make this upcoming year possible so if you would like to learn more please visit the contact page and get in touch! If you are feeling called to give plase visit this link; www.continuetogive.com/sarahijm, for online giving or contact me for other avenues of giving.


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